Due to the PANDEMIC STATE OF EMERGENCY, EPAC is being FORCED to POSTPONE the PERFORMANCES of BEAUTY and the BEAST The NEW PERFORMANCE DATES are as SCHEDULED: CAST 1: MAY 28TH & 29TH CAST 2: MAY 30TH & 31ST CAST 3: JUNE 4TH & 5TH CAST 4: JUNE 6TH & 7TH PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR! SAVE THESE NEW DATES OF 'BEAUTY AND THE BEAST'! During this State of Emergency The EPAC Kids Theater Workshop is offering virtual (on-line) rehearsals by LIVE STREAMING the workshop lessons for 'Beauty and the Beast' via Face-Book, and Google Classroom. The EPAC Kids will be back at the Performing Arts Center soon getting ready for this upcoming production of "Beauty and the Beast" with Full LIGHTS and SOUND, and Audiences!
Reserved Seating Tickets will be available through the EPAC Box Office. General Operating Support is provided to the Endicott Performing Arts Center by a grant from the Broome County Arts Council's United Cultural Fund.