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EPAC Audition Results: The Nutcracker 2022 (1st Act only)

The Nutcracker, Cast of Characters:

The Nutcracker / Nathanial Izzy Delgado

The Rat King - Tabitha Holland

Jester Doll –Nayla Richardson

Ballerina Doll - Lucia Foti

Soldier Doll - Sean Fowler

Clara - Maria Foti

Party Girls: Ella Brown, Shealy Haskett, Francesca Vangorder, Madeline Dyer, Anastasia Fish, Caelyn Szachta, Emma Whalen, Gianna Lanza

Fritz - Colin Feheley

Party Boys / Toy Soldiers: Amelia Moore, Vivian Ditch, Paige Nabywaniec-Reid, Millie Feheley, Bella Smart, Mackenzie Murphy, Sophie Colburn

Rats: Morly Ansbro-Brown, Elliette, Merrick, Asher Kurtz, Daniel Fish, Victoria Schretzer, Mariah Davis, Lillian Fata, Olivia Brace, Matthew Lanza

Angels & Ponchenelles: Vasia Asquith, Erin Fish, Noelle Morrissey, Natalina Chiarot, Elyse Bogart, Noelle Richardson

Herr Drosselmeyer – Matt Gaska

Grandma – Wendy Germond

Mother Georgina - Michelle Colburn

Mr. & Mrs. Stahlbaum– Joseph & Emily Foti

Parents: Pennie Merrick, Chris Szachta, Laura Ansbro, Madison Burton, Sara Holland, Lori Asquith, Hailey Merrick

Thank you so much for everyone who auditioned! Please accept your role and attend the 1st rehearsal Saturday, Oct. 22nd at 10am at EPAC.

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