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Trick or Treat.. take a seat! Oct. 26 & 27

It's Halloween Time! "Trick or Treat... Take a Seat". ​

This is our 5th year in providing the community with a safe environment to trick or treat, and enjoy a theatrical show in the same venue. Take a tour through the theater while collecting candy and interacting with Halloween characters of all kinds. ​

This year we will be featuring fun family Halloween themes like always. Don't be scared this is family fun for all ages. Then there will be classic Halloween themed cartoons on the big screen, and theatrical skits and dance performances on the stage after trick or treating. Make sure you come in costume! All help and donations are needed and appreciated, thanks for your support in the past and future. ​


The EPAC Halloween, 'Trick or Treat... Take a Seat

Friday and Saturday, October 26th & 27th @ 7pm

(movies and performances start at 8pm)

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